
Most managers and leaders consider themselves amoral; morals have nothing to do with business. But can a leader take an ethical approach to flourish in a business environment?

Some academics believe that leaders should observe an ethical, moral, and purposeful approach to leading and managing. Observable performance improvements by organisations adopting purposeful leadership would suggest that such an approach has merit.

Ethical leadership implies that individuals behave according to a group of principles and values recognised by the majority as a sound basis for the ‘common good’ or because it is ‘the right thing to do’. These behaviours are amongst the top distinguishing characteristics of perceived excellence. They include integrity, respect, trust, fairness, transparency, and honesty.

There are three elements of ethical leadership:

  • Leading by Example
    In ethical leadership, leaders are supposed to lead their teams by their ethical activities. Behaving in an honest, ethical, and unselfish manner is pivotal in setting good examples for subordinates. This way, leaders will gain the respect of their team members.

  • Championing the Importance of Ethics
    Ethical leadership incorporates an absolute focus on ethics by following ethical standards in all business (and personal?) activities.

  • Communicating
    Being a good communicator and listener is also integral to ethical leadership culture in an organisation.

Purpose-led Leadership

Good Dividends in partnership with QuoLux™ provide purpose-led leadership training programmes to enable leaders to adopt an ethical approach to leading.